Our Mission : Food, Education, Medicine

Cause Details


Water Well


Start Date : 14th October 2022

End Date : 31st December 2024

lhamdulilah and thank you for the donations it has been incredibly heartwarming to see the generosity pouring in for this cause from everyone. Mr Zaman cannot believe how many students and former students this has reached and he has been told that this is a reflection of the impact he has had on their lives and the respect they have for him.

As we have more than exceeded the target we have decided to increase it to £5000 please continue to spread the link. 

We are colleagues of Wahid Zaman and are raising money to build 3 water wells in Bangladesh alongside essential needs, in the name of Mr Zaman’s late wife Sony who sadly lost her battle of several years to cancer on the 11th of October 2022. We unfortunately did not meet Sony in person but from Mr Zaman we heard how much of a generous and loving soul she was who only ever wished good upon those around her. Throughout her suffering she never complained.

The purpose of this project is to accommodate those passing by, who wish to drink from the well or use it for the purpose of wudhu.

The reason behind the project is to provide a means of Sadaqah Jariyah for Sony so she can reap the rewards even after leaving this dunya.

Please donate as much as you can. 100% donation policy.

May Allah reward you all for your efforts and grant Sony Jannatul Firdaus

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Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

250 days to go