Our Mission : Food, Education, Medicine

News Feeds


Save the Children Role in Fight Against Malnutrition Hailed

Your contribution has the power to uplift children in dire situations. We’re working towards a nation where its children live a secure life, full of opportunities for growth and development

Super Admin
3rd October 2022

Back to the future: Quality education through

Donate For Education For One Poor Child For One Year and Help Them Secure Their Future Help A Poor Child In Completing is Education By donating In few Easy Steps

Super Admin
3rd October 2022

Take Care Of The Elderly Without Home

Malnutrition is a condition that results from eating a diet lacking in nutrients and Malnutrition in children is especially harmful

Super Admin
3rd October 2022

5 Food Combinations That Can Help With Better Absorption Of Nutrients

According to award-winning nutritionist Lovneet Batra, there are certain food combinations that help with better absorption of nutrients.We all have heard how important it is to have nutritious food. It keeps your health in check and helps you gain a good amount of all the essential nutrients. Because of this, many of us have started to add various ingredients to our diet. From spinach, tofu to mu...

Super Admin
3rd October 2022

Deadline Over, Women Footballers Wait For 'Fair Play' As Government Swings Into Action

The AFC Women's Club Championship starts on Saturday. The schedule says that India's matches have been cancelled, but the club from India, Gokulam Kerala FC is still hoping for a turnaround as the centre has now got involved and is negotiating with FIFA to let the girls play.Mansa echoes her sentiment and adds, \\This is not just for us but for the future generation as well. We want to gift them s...

Super Admin
3rd October 2022

How new tech will change human life?

Technology is the bridge for better future. Humans have developed new technologies for his comfort. These new technologies have changed human life drastically.

Super Admin
3rd October 2022

Investment ideas for better returns

Investment is the key for growth whether it is of knowledge or money. In the current market, you can save your income tax as there are various tax savers that are available.However, there are some tax savings plans like NPS, ELSS mutual funds, and Ulips that are also market-based investments but due to non-fixation of the returns, multiple investors find it as one of the causes to shun them.If an...

Super Admin
3rd October 2022